Haul Road Dust Control - Iron Ore Mines, Pilbara Region

Haul Road Dust Control - Iron Ore Mines, Pilbara Region

Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) is an integrated system of four processing hubs and five mines, connected by more than 1,000 kilometres of rail infrastructure and port facilities in the Pilbara region of northern Western Australia. Our client is one of the world’s largest mining companies and an Australian based resource company, it is involved in the production of iron, steel, copper, silver, aluminum, oil, and gas. GRT’s dust suppression system has resulted in an efficiency gain in the use of the product of at least 20%, saving water truck usage, fuel, and more.

Service: Haul Road Dust Control System

Status: Project ongoing

GRT Products used: GRT: Haul-Loc


Cross River Rail TSD Tunnelling Operation

Cross River Rail (CRR) is Queensland’s largest public transport project and includes 10.2 km of rail line from Dutton Park to Bowen Hills and 5.9kms of twin tunnels under the Brisbane River and the CBD. The $5.4 billion project is set to deliver four new underground stations at Boggo Road, Woolloongabba, Albert Street and Roma Street and upgrades to eight above-ground stations (two upgraded stations at Dutton Park and Exhibition and six upgraded Stations from Salisbury to Fairfield on Brisbane’s Southside). The project also includes development of three new Gold Coast stations.

Service: Tunnelling Operations Dust Control

Status: Complete

GRT Products used: GRT: Activate UG

dust monitoring

GRT7000 Polymer Seal Road Dust Monitoring

Our client was a global gas company that is a leading natural gas producer, focused on developing Queensland’s world-class onshore gas reserves. The road dust monitoring was performed on a section of road, south of Glen Mona Road junction and under the jurisdiction of the Queensland Western Downs Council. Dust suppression is a necessary good for most fit-for-purpose unsealed roads in Australia and the benefits of managing dust using polymer technologies is highlighted in this 5-day road dust monitoring case study. 

Service: Road Dust Monitoring

Status: Complete

GRT Products used: GRT:7000


2019/2020 Australian Bushfire Recovery

Following the 2019/2020 Australian Bushfire season, the New South Wales government selected Laing O’Rourke as the primary contractor to undertake the Bushfire clean-up. GRT was honoured to be selected to provide the expertise for managing hazardous dust and soil as well as halting any further environmental contamination. The GRT Enviro-binder was used and it provided many innovative benefits and delivered high performing results.

Service: Hazardous dust and soil management, Erosion
Control, Stabilisation & Dust Suppression

Status: Complete

GRT Products used: GRT: Enviro-Binder


Sunshine Coast Airport, Marcoola Queensland Australia

The largest Sunshine Council project ever undertaken, the Sunshine Coast airport expansion enabled visitors from international destinations to enjoy the region and to transform the economy. GRT, successfully provided product for the treatment of over 600,000m2 of disturbed sand with the supply of 6,000 litres of GRT: Soil-Loc.

Service: Soil Erosion Control – Wind and Water

Status: Project complete and operational

GRT Products used:  GRT: Soil-Loc, and GRT: Enviro-Binder

GRT Longwall Mining Blacklung

Underground Coal Mining and Processing – Bowen Basin Coal Mine

OUR client is a global renowned mining and resource organisation that owns large scale, underground and open-cut mines in central Queensland. The challenges they face underground and above ground differ, although the challenge has a commonality – how to best manage coal dust.

Status: Live

GRT Products used: GRT: Activate

GRT Solution Into Water Tank

Haul Road Dust Control – Bowen Basin Coal Mine

Managing haul road dust is an activity that affects mining globally. One of the major coal mines in the Bowen Basin is utilising GRT: Haul-Loc to suppress the dust on their haul roads, which is also leading to big savings financially – not to mention water, fuel, and improved WHS onsite.

Status: Live

GRT Products used: GRT: Haul Loc

Grading - GRT

Mleiha Archaeological Centre - Road Network Design & Construction

As part of Sharjah’s government’s major vision to turn the Mleiha Archaeological sites into a tourism destination, various crucial dust suppression and soil stabilisation projects were developed

Status: Completed

GRT Products used: GRT: 7000 // GRT: 9000


Melbourne International Airport Hardstand and Perimeter Road

As part of Melbourne Airport’s Master Plan to upgrade airfield facilities, new aircraft movement areas and improved road and transport networks, two crucial dust suppression and soil stabilization projects were developed

Status: Completed

GRT Product/s used: GRT: 7000 // GRT: 9000


QGC: Gas Field Access Road Network Stabilisation and Sealing

With the road network over 95km long, precise planning would be completed to ensure that all regulations and standards of the client were met, whilst ensuring potential health, safety, and environmental risks were realized, managed, and mitigated.

Status: Completed

GRT Product/s used: GRT7000


Kingfisher Lodge

The Kingfisher Lodge is one of the unique modern luxury lodges parts of the “Sharjah Collection by Mysk”. The Kingfisher Lodge not only offers its guests a gateway to a unique world of conservation through its nature retreat, but it’s also one of its kind in the UAE. Set on the east coast of Sharjah, the Arabian Sea and the beauty of the pristine beach is matched perfectly by the refined interiors and exteriors of the resort.

Status: Completed

GRT Product/s used: GRT7000

Slurry Seal process

Aurizon Callemondah Maintenance Yard

Unlike typical yards that are square or rectangular in shape, the “Callemondah” maintenance yard in Gladstone is a longitudinal arrangement located between multiple railway tracks. In fact, it is more like a heavily trafficked service road. Just as railways and trains need regular maintenance, the maintenance yard that performs these services also requires similar preservation and upkeep.

Service:GRT Polymer Stabilisation and Slurry Seal

Status: Completed

GRT Product/s used: GRT9000// GRT: Slurry Seal


Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 2

As part of the Queensland Government, Australian Government, and the City of Gold Coast’s plan to support the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, it was determined that an extension of the Gold Coast Light Rail would be required. The GRT team provided an area assessment on the projected light rail route to determine the most suitable product/s considering both the environmental and economic impact this product may potentially develop after application.

Status: Completed

GRT Product/s used: GRT: Enviro-Binder // GRT: Soil-Loc


Logan Enhancement Project

Due to the immense size of the project, the GRT team would provide an area assessment on the projected enhancement and upgrade to the existing roads to determine the most suitable product/s considering both the environmental and economic impact this product may potentially develop after application. While it was determined that the best methodology of controlling erosion was to stop erosion at the source and not have it occur in the first place, this strategy was deemed difficult due to the magnitude of the entire Logan enhancement project.

Status: Completed

GRT Products used: GRT: Enviro-Binder // GRT: CC


New Zealand Nelson Bushfires

On February 5th, 2019, two fires began between the Nelson and Tasman district. These fires would soon be known as ‘The Nelson Bushfires and one of New Zealand’s most devastating bushfires since the Canterbury forest fire of 1955. Due to the immense size of the project and the unnatural terrain that the product would require to cover, RST Environmental Solutions (NZ) in collaboration with GRT, selected GRT: Enviro-Binder as the best option in erosion and sediment control.

Status: Completed

GRT Products used: GRT: Enviro-Binder

Byron Bay North Byron Parklands Case Study

North Byron Parklands Festival Ground

The North Byron Parklands Festival Ground is a picturesque 660-acre cultural arts and music events venue, and one of the most accessible destinations on the east coast. Unfortunately, Festival goers and organisers often had to battle with dusty site conditions due to the unsealed roads and open areas. GRT: Wet-loc was determined to be the perfect environmentally friendly and a sustainable cost solution for this sensitive site, and continues to be the chosen solution since 2016.

Status: Ongoing

GRT Products used: GRT Wet-Loc


New Parallel Runway at Brisbane Airport

With an approximate cost of $1.3 billion, Brisbane’s new runway is considered as Australia’s largest aviation construction project to date. Due to the scale of the project as well as the various earthworks and environmental concerns involved, meticulous planning was required for the project to not only ensure regulations and standard were met, but to also ensure potential health, safety, and environmental risks were realized, managed, and mitigated. GRT:Enviro-Binder was used to provide erosion control and other cost-effective solutions.

Status: Ongoing

GRT Products used: GRT: Enviro-Binder

GRT Wet-Loc Application

QGC Logistics Yard

The fundamental challenge was to deliver a dust control solution for a heavy industrial logistics site where traffic would constantly be occurring. After the completion of site and area assessments as well as various client requirement analysis and risk assessments, the GRT team selected the GRT: Wet-Loc as the recommended product for this heavy industrial logistics yard.

Status: Ongoing

GRT Products used: GRT: Wet-Loc