Not only this, it affects visibility and thus, compromises road safety. There is another fact that’s not very well-known. A vehicle that has to tear its way through clouds of dust every single day is bound to wear out faster than its counterparts that enjoy a clean and dust-free ride. This means increasing maintenance requirements and costs. Hence, it is necessary to use the right dust control systems.
After having spoken so much about the negative impacts of dust, it is important to know what dust exactly is. To put it in simple terms, dust is airborne soil particles. Technically, they are soil particles with a size less than 0.074mm.
Every type of soil contains particles as fine as this. However, their mere presence is not the cause of dust formation. There are intrinsic factors as well as external forces responsible for the generation of dust and its severity.
The intrinsic factors include the overall gradation of the soil, its moisture content, the density and smoothness of the ground source and the presence of vegetation and organic matter.
External forces that might give rise to dust include the wind velocity, air humidity or other external forces such as the friction between the tires of the vehicle and the ground surface that cause the soil particles to loosen and become airborne. Additionally, if a road or track is left unsurfaced for long, repeated vehicular movement abrades the granular particles to form fine-grained particles.
This is where dust control solutions come into the picture. Engineers taking up construction projects have started considering the use of dust palliatives to control the generation of dust both at traffic and non-traffic areas. Dust palliatives are substances added to the soil to prevent the soil from becoming airborne. As an alternative, pavement surfacing and prefabricated landing mats are used.
The use of a palliative depends on a number of factors:
Global Road Technology is a leading supplier of cost-effective soil stabilization and dust control systems. Their dust control solutions arrest dust at the source and prevent it from becoming airborne. As such, they are designed to improve haul road effectiveness. GRT products including the GRT7000 bonding/capping agent and GRT8000 dust suppression dispense with the need for watering thereby creating for greener construction alternatives. They are tailor-made to various projects to ensure maximum product performance.
For more information on Global Road Technology or dust control solution please Contact Us.
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