State mines are advised to implement air-quality monitoring

An inquiry has revealed concerns about the impact of heavy-metal mining on…

Australian Road Fatalities 2023

Jo'Ann Duke's final moments were marked by excruciating pain, trapped in the…

Silicosis Prevention and Risks

Silicosis is a debilitating and often fatal lung disease caused by…

Engineered Stone Ban Australia

The Cancer Council has expressed its approval of the recent decision made by…

Resources Drive WA to $3.7 Billion Budget Surplus

Western Australia’s economy is officially booming. Experiencing the highest…

How is Iron Ore Mined? A Thousand-Year Yarn

Steel is the backbone of modern civilisations; without it, we’d be literally…

GRT: Leading the charge in road construction and environmental management

In the world of road construction and environmental management, Global Road…

GRT welcomes NSW Government initiative targeting silica dust exposure

Dust control, mining and civil engineering services firm Global Road Technology…

NSW Government launches six-month campaign on silica dust

The New South Wales government has launched a six-month campaign aimed at…

Mineral Resources Goes Driverless to Ken’s Bore

Mineral Resources is eagerly awaiting the delivery of its first driverless road…