
All GRT products and processes are founded upon engineering excellence and innovative performance.

Our company’s range of targeted environmental control solutions have been rigorously tested and designed to solve a variety of safety, transport, and environmental challenges.

As a world leader in engineered solutions, our unique products work in the world’s harshest conditions and across numerous sectors from mining and military to farming, renewable energy, and oil and gas.

Whether your project requires road and soil stabilisation, dust control and suppression, erosion control or water management, GRT’s innovative technologies deliver complete health, safety and environment outcomes across a wide range of proven applications.

To further enhance our range of products, each of these engineered solutions are supplemented with relevant construction processes and product delivery options as well as high-quality, specialist advice for optimum results.

GRT’s innovative environment solutions are formulated and developed by a diverse team of experienced technologists and researchers in several fields of engineering, from chemical and geotechnical to civil.

This technical excellence is further supported by development and assessment projects with with the Havard, Monash University and QUT, as well as companies/institutions such as BHP, Glencore, the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, ARRB, and DTMR. This unique approach confirms our commitment to engineering excellence, ensuring each project experiences performance success.

GRT products and solutions reach hundreds of industry professionals worldwide, providing targeted engineering solutions where needed most:

Unique GRT Product Features

Non Hazardous
Dries Transparent Clear
Non Corrosive & Safe
Simple & Easy to Apply
Non Flammable & Non Volatile
Water Resistant
Non Leeching
Non Dissipating
Dries Completely Odorless
Ultraviolet Ray Resistant
Environmentally Safe